Sometimes sites just don't work. They don't load right. They don't look right. It happens. You have to remember that everything we do on the internet is related to some technology man has made. It's gonna break! The good news? There's always a … [Read more...]
Google Chrome Proxy Issues Solved
Question from a Reader: I am using Windows 10 on my desktop computer. The last week or so, Chrome will not go to any website. When I run troubleshooting, I am getting "Windows could not automatically detect the network's proxy settings". Is this why … [Read more...]
How to Delete Cookies for Specific Websites
Computer Cookies are text files that store information about specific things like your login information, your browsing history, or your preferences when you visit a website. Think about the last time you visited Amazon. How did it know you liked a … [Read more...]
How to Enable JavaScript in your Browser
Many websites and blogs today need JavaScript, a scripting language, to run applications, drop-down menus, and more. That means your browser has to have JavaScript enabled to view and sometimes even load those websites and blogs that require … [Read more...]